Seminar on “Science and scientific outlook”
A seminar on ‘Science and Scientific outlook’ was held on 30 Nov, 2022 at BJR DEGREE COLLEGE, Hyderabad. Mr Devarshi Gangaji, President, BSS Hyderabad was the speaker. At the end of the program, ‘Sir C V Raman Science Club’ was formed and nearly 40 students enrolled as members.
Seminar on “Are microorganisms good or bad”
A seminar on “Are microorganisms good or bad” was held at St.Christrospher Convent High School, Hyderabad on 7 Dec, 2022. Dr.Vikas Sarma, Asst Prof, Department of Biotechnology, Osmania University was the guest speaker. He explained the differences between virus, bacteria, fungus and how far they are good and bad. Dr. R Gangadhar, convenor BSS Telangana spoke about the importance of science and scientific outlook. Devarshi Gangaji, Usha Kiran and Sai Prashanthi participated in the discussions.
Science learning Centre
BSS Telangana state chapter organized science experiments demonstration and miracle exposure show on 13 Dec, 2022 at Jamie Osmania Government High School, Nallukunta, Hyderabad. Mr.L.Sarath conducted the demonstration. Students enthusiastically participated in the program and a Science Learning Centre called Jamie Osmania Science Learning Center was formed. Devarshi Gangaji and Usha Kiran assisted the demonstration program.