This year the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the discovery of ‘genetic scissors’ one of the sharpest tools of gene technology. Breakthrough Science Society, West Bengal Chapter organized a webinar titled “CRISPR/CAS: Cut your gene where you want” on 20 Dec, 2020. The speaker was Prof. Parimal Mishra, Chief Scientist and Professor, Dr. Reddy’s Institute of Life Science, Hyderabad. The program was live streamed through BSS YouTube channel, BSS West Bengal Chapter Facebook page as well as Google Meet link. Nearly 2200 participants (In two Google meet links – 500, YouTube channel -700 and Facebook-1000) took part in this webinar. Prof. Mishra elaborately discussed the fundamentals of CISPR/CAS based genetic engineering tools and its diverse applications in medical science particularly in drug design system. The talk was followed by a Questions-answer session in which many participated actively.